per day revenue leakage detected and stopped on one UK Destination (0911506) where price change not implemented correctly by IT
UK Operator
total Operator Back-bill generated by BIAAS as a result of one error in Interconnect Billing Configuration ($57,153 ongoing incremental monthly benefit)
UK Operator
monthly revenue leakage to one Directory Enquiry Destination detected and stopped
European Operator
per month leakage calculated on one Pre-Pay Tariff as a result of rating system having incomplete set of International Mobile Destinations
UK Mobile Operator
annual margin uplift following refresh of all International Dial Codes on Group Billing System (Business Services)
European Fixed Line Operator
annual negative margin on International traffic detected and eliminated
European Operator
monthly revenue leakage detected and eliminated through identifying incorrect number plan management using GNRM
Mobile Operator
monthly negative margins on International Outbound Calls due to cost base movements not highlighted to marketing
Mobile Operator
monthly revenue leakage due to configuration errors in Ericsson Rating System
Mobile Operator