Save time and money with Biaas today!
Expertise in number range management should be a key enabler in your fight against International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF) and we are here to help.

Biaas have developed an IRSF rapid assessment methodology which allows for identification of traffic and risks of traffic to unallocated and higher cost international destinations.
Biaas is the leading expert in number plan management for Pricing, Assurance, and Fraud Management within the telecommunication industry.
Biaas’ FNRM™ Database today lists over 60,000 unallocated or otherwise unused global number ranges where an operator would expect to see zero minutes for legitimate international terminating traffic.
FNRM™ can be used to block 100% of calls to over 101 Billion possible international phone numbers that do not yet exist. Most importantly, FNRM™ will also block 100% of calls to over 12 Billion possible international phone numbers that do not exist and are classified as ‘high risk’ in over 70 different countries. These are the exotic sounding destinations very much loved by fraudsters.
By partnering with Biaas for a FREE Proof of Concept, you will discover far more about IRSF on your network and possible control enhancements as a result. These POCs will cover some or all of the following five areas:
- Analysis of Outbound Traffic by Biaas searching for IRSF – Biaas will swiftly analyse outbound traffic and provide a summary report.
- Analysis of Inbound Traffic by Biaas searching for IRSF and spoofing – Biaas will swiftly analyse inbound traffic and provide a summary report.
- Stretch your Fraud Management System ability with a Trial Implementation of FNRM™ – For a limited time period.
- Making Test Calls to IRSF Test Numbers using a Test Call Generator – Biaas will provide a sample of our live IRFS test numbers for you to dial. These will include unallocated and incorrect digit string length destinations to help you understand risk exposure.
- Review of your Network Blocking Lists – All Telecommunications providers often have a very historical blocked list. Biaas will analyse and make recommendations with respect to your blocked destinations. The objective here is to enhance revenues and customer experience, whilst also managing risk.
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