New CLI Billing Opportunities from July 1st

CLI stands for Calling Line Identification and is also known as the ‘A Number’. It is the number which is actually making the call.
From 1 July 2021, UK Operators are allowed to switch on CLI Billing for calls originating from those international destinations which themselves have high termination costs.
This ability to tap into a new revenue stream came about as a result of Ofcom’s review of wholesale voice markets published earlier this year, linked below.
CLI integrity is therefore vitally important and should always be maintained. Operators are also now free to charge invalid CLIs at higher rates by stating this on their price lists.
This is a great opportunity for UK Operators, and here are just 3 ways Biaas’ Numbering Intelligence Data can / will be used to help maximise these revenues for operators.
- Maintaining Accurate International Code Lists for Price Lists and Billing
Biaas’ GNRM database has been taking the pain away from managing and maintaining international code lists for over 12 years. It is a perfect oven ready solution for CLI billing of inbound traffic. The data can be tailored for bespoke pricing and billing needs.
- Identification of invalid CLIs which are unallocated
Biaas’ Fraud Intelligence Database FNRM is a great tool for helping to correctly identify invalid CLIs as it contains all known unallocated International Codes.
- Identification of Invalid CLIs which are an incorrect Digit String Length
Invalid CLIs can include CLIs which are of the incorrect digit string length.
For more information please contact a Biaas team member direct or email