Rating Assurance – Top Tips for Financial Value Add

Biaas have been building, maintaining and assuring voice rating and billing configurations for successful operators for over ten years. We’ve seen the configuration of over 100 different rating systems in this time.
Over these years, we’ve witnessed many eye watering material losses caused by design faults or lack of formal processes. These are often well hidden because of lazy default rating being built into the configuration.
The good news is that fixing issues in ratting configuration leads to immediate revenue and margin increase, which can deliver headlines which make revenue assurance teams look terrific.
Biaas Top Tips for Adding Value are:
- Understand how your rating systems work.
- Margins are highest for retail voice, so that is where mistakes can be rectified to add the most value.
- Start with the published price list – and work from that into the rating systems.
- Be aware of the dangers of default rating – such as international destination code 001.
- Get the numbering plan sequencing correct –if it is important for that system.
- Ensure robust processes to update numbering plans and prices as they change, including adds, modifies and removals of individual data rows.
- Make sure a data row is never changed without checking and approval.
- Minimise the number of dial codes being managed for retail billing – avoid manual processes which copy wholesale billing.
- Ensure higher cost items like international special destinations are all identified quickly, and there are processes in place to deal with this.
- Audit the rules for bundle configuration, including exclusions.
- Have good engagement with pricing, marketing and legal teams – you might well need their help to implement change.
Interested in a quick and easy Proof of Concept which was designed in conjunction with RAG for their members? Simply click on this link: https://www.biaas.com/fnrm-trial/