Monitoring the 1% of International Minutes to Higher Priced International Destinations

The one thing that all successful IRSF attacks appear to have in common is that they terminate on higher priced international destinations. This should not come as a surprise to anyone.
Fraudsters love higher priced destinations because they provide a great return on their investment. The clue is in the name ‘International Revenue Share Fraud’. As revenue (unfortunately for them) needs to be shared, they figure that the more revenue there is overall, the more they will get in their back pocket.
We have seen that fraudsters actively seek out new higher priced destinations, as this knowledge gives them the ability to get ahead of the competition and be the first to exploit a new route.
Normally, at least from here in Europe, less than 1% (yes, just 1%) of International Outbound Minutes are to Higher Priced International destinations. Smarter fraud teams are using their FMS to focus efforts on the 1% of destinations targeted by fraudsters instead of the 99% of noise. All decent Fraud Management Systems should have functionality to prioritise case management of calls to higher priced destinations. If yours does not, then speak with your vendor.
Biaas continually review international carrier price lists for higher priced destinations and incorporate these swiftly into FNRM™. We also add local tailoring for some clients. Because of this, higher priced destinations can be seamlessly integrated directly into an FMS and a higher priority assigned to these types of calls.
We also include some medium price destinations because there is activity in the growth of IRSF test numbers to some of these. We continue to evolve our techniques to keep pace with the fraudsters.
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